MIT App Inventor is a web application integrated development environment originally provided by Google, and now maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It allows newcomers to computer programming to create application software(apps) for two operating systems (OS): Android, and iOS.
You and your child use apps every day. Ever wonder what is the underlying concepts that made these apps works? Join us and start implementing and creating your own apps, have tons of fun and who knows a new idea may be born to provide solutions for real world problems.
Be a problem solver today, be an innovator today, bring knowledge to life, and discover for yourself on how applying math and science concepts to coding can be full of fun.
An example of one of our apps called the running app which counts how many steps you have taken within 30 seconds.
You can challenge your friend to see who gets the bigger dinosaurs by starting the app and running together.
Beginner App Development Workshop
This comprehensive 2.5 hour workshop for beginners from aged 7 to 13 year old will cover essential mobile application concepts from UIUX design to actual implementation of the application. Students will use visual programming platform MIT App Inventor to create their own functioning mobile applications which they will be able to run on their mobile phones.
Concepts covered:
Introduction to computer science and coding
User Interface and user experience (UIUX) in app design
Introduction of MIT App Inventor interface
Global variables
If-else statements
Lesson plan for our one day 2.5hrs session.
– Teaching the Importance of UIUX design and wire-framing of own app.
– Introduction to MIT app inventor interface.
– Try out and play with the app to understand how it works before learning how to code it.
– Teaching of the coding for the app on the projector screen step by step with explanation and students have to follow through with the laptops provided.
–Short 5mins Break
– Students are then expect to create the app from scratch, guidance will be given and questions will be answered ( Learning from mistakes is part of learning, that is how mistakes can become experience )
– Students will then customize their own App and try out the app that they have created by themselves. This App can be uploaded onto their android or ios Apple mobile phone if they have one.
– MIT App Inventor software is a free to download software, with the knowledge gained in this 2.5 hrs long workshop, students will be able to create their own apps from their own home just with a laptop.
Lesson will be conducted by our Computer Science Instructor Fion.
Fion is a SUTD Computer Science undergrad currently in her final year, she is passionate about coding and technology and has many years of experience teaching coding to children age 7 and above.
Schedule are as follows:
Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm, 2.45pm to 5.15pm , 5.30pm to 8pm
Sunday: 12.45pm to 3.15pm, 3.30pm to 6pm, 6.15pm to 8.45pm
$120 for a 1 day session of 2.5 hrs. Learn how to create your own app and load it to your android mobile phone. note: Android mobile phone not compulsory
Introduce any 2 friends to sign up for any of our courses and get a $30 discount voucher to be redeemed for any future courses that you signed up with us.
Hand sanitizer provided and temperature taken before entering into our centre.
Safe distancing of 1 meter apart from every students and teacher.
Max: class size 6 students with 1 meter safe distancing measures in placed.
Tables, chairs and high touch point area will be sanitized before next lesson commence.
Call or Whatsapp us at 9885 0900 for more information
Payment methods
Paylah to 9885 0900, we will send you a receipt by e-mail upon payment confirmation
Paynow to our parent company Geniusplaytime at this Unique Entity Number(UEN) 53290269J
Bank transfer to DBS Current 014-904894-9 ( Do E-mail to us the transaction details to enquiry@roboticsrevolution.com.sg )